Wednesday, August 06, 2014


The three muses   zetti art

I have only two zetti stamps,
a little pig and this barefooted child.

ich habe nur diese  zwei Zetti Stempel
das kleine Schweinchen und dieses kind ohne schuhe.


chrissie said...

Fantastic Zetti Art with wonderful colours and images

Love Chrissie x

johanna said...

ich schmeiss mich weg... die zetti-schweinchen sind das coolste überhaupt!!

crafty creations said...

Wow what a wonderful piece of artwork

indybev said...

You made very creative use of your two stamps! Nice work!

Caro´s kreative Welt said...

Oh wow, das ist eine sehr schöne Zetti-Karte. Die Schweinchen sind wirklich cool.

LG Carola

Bill said...

How wonderful! I've never seen the pig stamp. I have the one of the boy with the monkey on his head. It is one of my favorite stamps!

sirkkis said...

Fun and wonderfully created!

Sim said...

Great zetti art Rein!
(I do love the little bird! :)

Anonymous said...

i like yours.

Mine is up.

Taluula said...

What great fun, my friend.