
Friday, June 18, 2010

Masculine card - Mannenkaart

DCM - A sponsored sketch with prizes
The papers und stuff are sponsored by Nikki Sivils scrapbooker

on this card I used the mini pad " Dan the Record Man"

we have 5 prizes on the DCM - blog
sponsored by "Nikki Sivils scrapbooker " and Sarah's Cards .
please check out the DCM blog for more info

this is my give away
Nikki Sivils scrapbooker goody bag
12 sheets 6x6 papers, flags, sticker, brads...
Just leave a comment here
and your name will be entered in the draw
good luck!
onder de comments verloot ik dit Nikki Sivils scrapbooker paketje
gevuld met 12 blaadjes papier, vlagjes, knopen....
veel geluk!


  1. Absolutely love it Rein - you really are a whizz when it comes to 'man' cards!

    Love Lynda xxx

  2. Amazing card Rein and your goodie bag is just the cutest!

  3. Prachtig gemaakt Rein,mooie kleuren papier zeg.

    Liefs Riet.x

  4. I just picked up my first Nikki Sivils paper pad recently and I love working with her papers. Very cool!

  5. You did SUCH a fab job with this card Rein, I love how you've used the deign elements - they are such a great idea.

  6. Great masculine card - love the colour combo. What a generous sponsor to give so much stash - and generous DCM DT to share it x

  7. Das ist wirklich eine tolle Karte. Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach passenden Motiven für Männerkarten ... und deine Idee mit den Kopfhörern und der Schallplatte finde ich super! =)

  8. Danke für den Hinweis! Gerlinde, Charlotte und Constanze sind mit dabei!
    Liebe Grüße, Verena

  9. Great card for a man - will have to give this design a go.

  10. We always need inspiration like this when it comes to mens cards.

  11. Great card, and oh how sweet are those goodies! Thanks for the chance! Becky G.

  12. ah ja jetzt ,toll sieht das aus

  13. It's a great card. And a fantastic inspiration for the birthday card my father-in-law could get next week!

    Liebe Grüße

  14. Hi Rein

    Lovely card you've made and i love the papers they are so fab! xx

  15. Love your funky 'man' card. :)x

  16. Liebe Rein,

    herzlichen Dank für Deinen Hinweis, da versuche ich doch gerne mein Glück.

    Deine Karte schaut wunderbar aus.

    Herzliche Grüße
    von Anke
